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When and Where
  • 2025-04-04 12:00 PM
  • 2025-04-04 3:15 PM
  • Eastern Time
  • Zoom on April 4 2025

Presented by the National Register in collaboration with The Trust

NOTE: This webinar is scheduled for Friday, April 4 and is a 3-hr course plus a 15-min break. This is a special clinical workshop.

Pricing for this special workshop is as follows:

  • National Register and Trust Members: $95
  • Non-Members: $130
  • National Register affiliated SPTA members: $115

Webinar start time is 12:00pm ET/11am CT/10am MT/9am PT. Please register by 11:30am ET the day of the webinar.

Telepsychology and Interjurisdictional Practice

In this 3-hour webinar, Dr. Sara Smucker Barnwell will review telepsychology fundamentals and the specific issues surrounding the interjurisdictional practice of telepsychology. What constitutes interjurisdictional practice? When is it appropriate to practice psychology across jurisdictional boundaries? What are the mechanisms to do this legally? What are the clinical, practical, and ethical considerations? Dr. Smucker Barnwell will offer guidance to practitioners who are contemplating what role ethical interjurisdictional telepsychology will play in their practices moving forward. Dr. Smucker Barnwell will divide presentation time between lecture, demonstration videos, and three live Q&A sections.

About the Presenter

Dr. Sara Smucker Barnwell is a licensed clinical psychologist, providing consultation in behavioral telehealth nationally. She is a nationally recognized expert, speaker, and author in behavioral telehealth. She is the Chair of the recent revision of the APA Telepsychology Guidelines, and contributes to various policy organizations dedicated to ethical telehealth. Sara received her doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Southern California, and holds degrees from Harvard University and Wellesley College. 

Continuing Education Information

3 CE Credits, Instructional Level: Intermediate

3 Contact Hours (New York Board of Psychology)

Learning Objectives:

  1. Define interjurisdictional practice.
  2. Describe three key legal and ethical issues to consider when delivering remote care interjurisdictionally. 
  3. Identify three practical considerations when practicing across jurisdictions.
  4. Identify three important criteria in selecting technology modalities appropriate for interjurisdictional telepsychology. 
  5. Identify when psychologists ought to consider participation in PSYPACT versus other legal mechanisms for interjurisdictional practice.  

Disclosures: Dr. Smucker Barnwell is Member at Large, Trustee, Trust Board; Chair, TrustPARMA Board; Chair, APA Telepsychology Guidelines; Working Group; Co-host, Trust Telehealth Community Chats

Please review our webinar tips and CE eligibility guidelines prior to the day of the webinar. 

The National Register of Health Service Psychologists is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The National Register maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

The National Register of Health Service Psychologists is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0010

Note: Email addresses of webinar registrations may be used by National Register to promote our additional resources and webinars.